Week3 Response-Rob

Its good to see “Lies my teacher told me” here. It was a book I saw for many years and did not pick up until I was an adult. I still havent finished the book, but i remember reading this before. My first reaction is one of a student and a teacher. History was definitely something i loathed as a high school student, because I knew what I was getting was eurocentric bullshit. I had been warned as a child and I almost didnt believe it until slowly classes that destroyed history, left things out, or simply just told lies was becoming the norm. And this is why I, like so many other strudents felt jaded by it. My first reaction to his feeling as a teacher was similar because I have ahd great instructors before, not necessarily in history. But the way they transformed the course material stuck with me. In the images I chose here, i thought of what school is supposed to be for all children and what the reality was at my school in Berkeley, and so many others in Oakland.


Betita-This reminds of two personal stories. One which deals with the term in visual, blatant means, and another which cannot be described visually so easy. First, the MAP of The US before the Europeans arrived, and the map of Indigenous population in the year 2000. It’s very easy to explain how white dominance was exercised, forced, and used in this example. You see an entire population being wiped out. The more personal note Id like to add is names, for both African and Indigenous folks. On both sides of my family, for instance their tribal or indigenous names were erased and substituted , never to be found again. This is what Betita made me think of with the definition, and her first two examples. The way she describes a huge conversation in several well thought out points is great.Given, this is a workshop outline for the Peoples Inst west maybe, but its so powerful to present it this way.


I have a friend who uses Seth’s work often to describe aniti-capitalist and anti-oppression themes. I love how he drives the message home. I wasnt a fan of his drawing style at first, but in this particular piece i love how he illustrate the guy punching in the timecard, the baby turning into a skeleton, and the grim reaper on top of all of these bodies. Reminded me of a 45 my mom used to have.An old punk band called “MDC” -A million Dead Cops, Murder Death Corporation. Check out the cover:


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